My first game for the three-hour Trijam game jam #173. The theme was: You are the monster. My idea for that was that YOU control the monsters in the game, instead of the "player" running the level. This is my improved version that goes over the 3hr time limit (about 5-6 hours of work).

You can see the original 3-hr version here.

Built using (My first game exploring this ide.) Took about a half-hour to get the sprites all set up and another half-hour for basic game functions using the Quick Engine. A little over an hour to get the "player" AI working in a rudimentary but tolerable way. Balance of time to get some better player controls working, add a title screen, and throw in some sound effects. Another hour improving the "player" AI. And another adding more sound effects, scoring, timer, and more game elements.


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